Have you heard of a condition calledtrigger finger or trigger thumb? For all those who havent, it is akind of stenosing tenosynovitis, where the sheath around a finger orthumb tendon swells up or a nodule is formed on the tendon. Thisresults in having difficulty to straighten the finger once it is bentand on movement a soft crackling sound is heard. In this case, whenthe affected finger unlocks, it flips back suddenly and looks like atrigger has been released on a gun; thus the name trigger finger.
The cause for trigger finger is notclearly known. This condition is more common among the women than themen. People aged between 40 to 60 years are more prone to thiscondition. The condition is also common among people suffering frommedical problems like rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes.
This condition may affect more than onefinger at a time, usually the thumb, ring finger and middle finger.This condition is not a dangerous one and the patient can decide ifhe/she wants to go for a surgical treatment or a non-surgical one.However, if the finger is in a bent state, the surgical process isrecommended to avoid permanent stiffness of the finger.
The Surgical Process
The treatment for the trigger finger isa simple surgery that is performed under local anesthesia. Thesurgeon performing the operation will be cutting the sheath that isdisturbing shampoo lotion pump the tendon of the finger.
The aim of the surgical procedure is towiden the opening of the tunnel for the tendon to slide through itconveniently without any problems. The surgeon makes a small cut inthe palm of the patient and performs the surgery through it orsometimes with just the tip of a needle. Normally, right after thesurgery the fingers can be moved.
What happens after the surgery?
Post surgery, there may be somesoreness in the palm but it is nothing to worry about. Elevation ofthe hand after surgery will help decrease the pain as well as theswelling. After the surgery, it is very rare and unlikely forrecurrent triggering to occur. However, there may be a difficulty inextending the proximal interphalangeal joint and this can continuefor months.
It takes a few weeks to recover afterthe completion of the trigger finger surgery. Surgery can help loosenthe very stiff finger of the patient.